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        ACCACFO亚洲研究机构(CFO Asia Research Services)合作,发表了一份关于亚太区公司和其股东规章影响商业观点的调查报告。来自中国、香港、马来西亚和新加波的一百七十六位高级财务执行官对此次调查作了回馈,他们总体上对规章持肯定意见,近60%的报告提升了股东的价值。少于25%的人认为阻碍了经济的增长。总体上,大部分人认为规则导向更多的专注于战略。





September 2007: Good financial reporting raises shareholder value


The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in collaboration with CFO Asia Research Services has published the report of a survey of business opinion in Asia Pacific on the impact of regulation on companies and their shareholders. One-hundred seventy-six senior finance executives responding to the survey in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore have, on the whole, a positive view of regulation, with nearly 60% reporting that it enhances shareholder value. Less than 25% believed it hinders economic growth. Overall, most felt regulation allows more, not less, focus on strategy.

A key finding was that "three types of rules – financial reporting standards, tax regulations, and stock exchange regulations – are viewed as the most helpful in creating shareholder value". The study also found that "regulations create a level playing field for businesses, but only when they are mandatory and enforced consistently".

"Some areas of regulation and disclosure are believed to be more beneficial than others. The introduction of IFRSs has been seen widely as a success story, adding value to the Asian capital markets by creating easy comparability for Western investors and by allowing a flexible, principles-based approach. The downsides reported were unsuitability to small enterprises and a lack of local context for countries such as China."

The report of the study, titled A Critical Connection: Making the Link Between Regulation and Shareholder Vvalue, can be Downloaded from the ACCA Website (PDF 1,041k).


转载于:Deloitte http://www.iasplus.com

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